In his insightful presentation, Massimo Garau, CFO at Veganz Group AG, not only unveils the essence of Scenario Management but also outlines how it can become our ally in three types of planning - Strategic, Financial, and Operational.
This article offers guidance on how to move to a more agile and adaptable planning process. It also reveals the six success factors for Integrated FP&A and Scenario Management.
In this article, the author outlines the difference between Scenario Management and forecasting and illustrates how we can apply the first to Strategic, Operational and Financial planning.
Scenario Planning becomes necessary rather than optional in such a complex and uncertain environment. In this article, the author elaborates on the challenges associated with this approach. He also outlines the difference between Strategic and Scenario Planning.
Moving to Scenario Management is not without its challenges. How to overcome them? What steps should be taken to ensure the successful transition to Scenario Management?
Watch the recording of the FP&A Trends Webinar to learn the answers and hear practical insights from senior finance practitioners and thought leaders.
In this article, we will explore the indispensable role FP&A professionals play in modelling and simulating not only Profit and Loss (P&L) scenarios but also working capital and cash generation scenarios.