Individuals and organisations are welcome to submit articles to FP&A Trends on the conditions described below.
FP&A Trends accepts articles that have an FP&A focus and provide insights relevant to the audience of financial professionals such as chief financial officers, finance directors, risk managers and corporate controllers.
Our aim is to provide original thought leadership, commentary and analysis. Unless it has been specifically requested and agreed, FP&A Trends does not republish material that has already appeared elsewhere.
Expression of views is encouraged but FP&A Trends also welcomes articles that focus on factual content informing readers about changes and developments in the areas of treasury and finance.
Articles should be between 800-1500 words in length. Those wanting to become contributing bloggers may submit articles that express the author’s personal opinion of up to 800 words in length.
Articles should be submitted in Word document format only (not PDF format). Graphics and tabular information can be submitted in all usual formats but should be of high quality. A photo of an author, a brief biography and a company logo must be provided alongside contact details.
If you want to republish any material from FP&A Trends, please include the caveat “first published on FP&A Trends” in the article footer.
Advertorial and any other unwarranted reference to the services or capabilities of the author’s organisation or company are not permitted in articles and will be removed.
Please ask a colleague to re-read your article before submission as this can minimise errors and reduce the need for re-drafting or editing.
Submission is not a guarantee of publication. FP&A Trends reserves the final right on whether to publish, regardless of any other arrangements that may exist.
FP&A Trends reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to edit articles submitted for reasons including, but not limited to, style, accuracy, length and legal compliance. This editing may include the addition of new copy such as headlines, sub-headings, captions and pull-quotes. By submitting content to FP&A Trends you are assigning all right to FP&A Trends to publish the content in any medium, any language and any territory, providing you are identified as the author of that content.
You accept full responsibility for any errors or omissions in your content and you understand that FP&A Trends will accept no liability, legal or otherwise, on your behalf. FP&A Trends cannot guarantee a specific date or time of publication. Articles are submitted on the basis that they are available for publication at once.
If you would rather have a formal contract or letter of agreement before writing for FP&A Trends, please contact Larysa Melnychuk at