This pandemic has uncovered several shortcomings in our way of planning, managing, and organizing societies and businesses. Now that the future looks predictably uncertain, there is a dire need to understand, react to, and learn from it and other unexpected events.
As long as there are humans involved in making a forecast, the forecast will be biased. But there are some steps to make a forecast unbiased. This article will look into the unbiased forecasting framework and will explore the methods where humans have minimal influence on the outcome.
Nobody could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic. Every day the business environment was becoming increasingly unstable and unpredictable. At that time, we were asking what is the role of FP&A at times of "black swans"?
This article will discuss how financial planning and analysis (FP&A) professionals can determine the general market trend using a statistical approach based on time series and how they can apply some adjustments to reflect different opportunities or threats to the business plan.
While rolling forecasts have clear benefits, their successful implementation needs to consider several risk areas. The purpose of this article is to explore what consequences and costs a move to rolling forecasting has for the other actors involved in the process.
By deploying integrated FP&A organisations see greater performance improvements compared with traditional FP&A processes. This is enabled by combining strategic planning, business planning and forecasting and operations planning and forecasting.