At this digital event, senior professionals from Citi, Motesque, Government of Ontario, SAP and Michael Page shared their insights and experience on how FP&A has been dealing with the new challenges.
There are so many great stories to be told in FP&A! Due to technological advances, FP&A professionals now have access to advanced analytics, flexible dashboarding and effective data visualisation tools.
How can FP&A enable a quick, integrated and multidimensional scenario planning process? What are the building blocks for an effective FP&A team? Where does the journey towards leading analytical stage begin?
The First Digital European (Germany and Benelux) FP&A Board discussed FP&A Digital Transformation: Moving from Traditional to Leading Stage. The speakers talked about FP&A transformation, driver-based planning, predictive and prescriptive analytics and the use of modern technology. During this digital event, we also discussed what skills are now required from FP&A professionals in the digital era.
FP&A analytical transformation has been dominating headlines for some time. In the last decade, finance, and FP&A in particular, embarked on a journey from descriptive to prescriptive analytics. True digital transformation integrates technology, data, and new processes across the entire corporation.
The First Digital Swiss FP&A Board took place on September 8th, 2020. About 400 finance practitioners from over 30 countries registered for this online event where senior professional panellists provided their views on 5 facets of the “New Normal” FP&A.