There are so many great stories to be told in FP&A! Due to technological advances, FP&A professionals now have access to advanced analytics, flexible dashboarding and effective data visualisation tools.
Today’s finance department is a weaved together mix of shared service centres, centres of excellence, outsourcing arrangements and the retained business partnering functions such as FP&A.
This article focuses on why there is a risk of too much focus on the profit and loss (P&L) or income statement and too little focus on the Balance Sheet among FP&A practitioners.
In FP&A there are plenty of tools, technologies and fancy options at your disposal. However, these eye-catching technologies won’t take your team to the next level without 3 key people processes that your team should be leveraging.
Business acumen is the admission ticket to a permanent seat at the decision-making table in your organisation. This article will explain how FP&A professionals can gain or improve their business acumen.
This article explores overcoming our own misconceptions of barriers to partnering, identifying the true cause in any specific situation, and establishing financial planning and analysis (FP&A) as indispensable partners to the business leaders we serve.