How can you successfully implement a Zero-Based FP&A design? There are 10 practical steps to be taken into consideration.
Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) has been around for a while but not all organisations use it. In this article, I present a high-level overview of ZBB implementation and give some considerations.
A budget expresses thoughts with numbers. Numbers can be financial like income and cash flow or non-financial like time and volume. Expressing thoughts with financial and non-financial numbers can be done through a variety of methods. One method is zero based budgeting which like all methods has strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of this article is to examine the strengths and weaknesses of zero based budgeting.
To most FP&A professionals and accountants there is confusion and a lack of consensus on how to allocate costs to products and service lines. I refer to this as “a mystery in a box to accountants”. To solve this mystery here are three lectures to accounting students from a skilled and experienced accountant – me – that explains the problem and how to solve it. For those who have already graduated from college and may even have a CPA, I encourage you to sit in the back of the lecture hall and audit these classes.
In this blog I take a broader view of new products and talk about how best to monitor progress post-launch when information is still a little sketchy, volumes are still very low and reporting mechanisms may not yet be fully in place.
What is the first thought you have, when you see the above topic which I am going to discuss with you? Sounds confusing? How is it possible to have cost control yet have business initiatives and without the operations getting hurt? You are not alone if you believe so.