Mature driver-based planning models are an essential component of effective rolling forecast processes in complex, global organizations. They provide the foundation for profitable growth by enabling strategy and cost structures to quickly self adjust to changing business objectives and market conditions.
Increasingly, managers are now looking to change the corporate planning process and replace the traditional annual budget with rolling forecasts, 12, 13 or 15 months ahead. What is the reason for this development?
This is the second part of a three-part series that focuses on the business value that data science & analytics can provide to enterprises.
Rolling Forecasts are an essential tool for financial planning and analysis (FP&A), with the potential to radically transform the traditional corporate budgeting process. If implemented properly, a rolling forecast expands planning horizons, reduces planning cycles, and helps in executing organizational strategies.
For organisations looking to get the most out of their Driver based planning and Rolling Forecasting initiatives, it is critical to realise that these terms apply in both Strategic and Tactical planning. Yet the people, processes and technology applied to these two domains are quite unique.
For organizations with annual expense budgets, it is important to have procedures for monitoring expenditures and budget items throughout the year. This article visually describes how to use statistical forecasting models, uncertainty ranges and space forecasting models for this purpose.