2020 has been a turbulent year and few departments have felt this as much as FP&A. We have been looked to as saviours of the company, guardians of cash, and stewards of planning, re-planning, and some more planning. It should also give cause to reflections on how we can improve and be ready for what comes next.
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Agility has become an important initiative for many organisations as they struggle to cope with the ever-accelerating pace of change in the external environment whilst also being under the threat of new entrants unencumbered by legacy organisations and technology issues.
On 17 November 2020, FP&A Trends Group gathered senior FP&A professionals from Electrolux, Jedox, Michael Page, Business Partnering Institute, and FP&A Trends Group who shared their insights on the five facets of the “New Normal” FP&A.
To manage business complexity, we need to focus on improving our processes. In this video, Saurabh Jain, explains how analytical journeys at different organisations usually look like.
The quality of a decision is a question about what data or lack of data the decisions are made on. So, let’s discuss what is a Data-Driven Decision and what is not, but also how do we make Fair Decisions.
A Global FP&A Trends Webinar that was held on the 10th November 2020 focused on why predictive planning is so important, especially in the uncertain times that we are living in.
FP&A takes an exciting path of transformation to meet the demands of modern business. Driver-based and predictive analytics are fundamental approaches for FP&A to adopt in order to move to the Leading Analytical Stage.
Most FP&A professionals have excellent educational qualifications beyond their undergrad degrees. I have often been asked what the right education for FP&A is. This article tries to bring some clarity.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a “buzzword”, it is a tool used by many organisations around the world. In this digest, I would like to share with you a report that details different cases of AI use in finance and a case study of AI use from Egencia.
We are entering the era of digital FP&A where human and artificial intelligence work hand in hand to achieve better analytical results.