There are different financial indicators to monitor the financial results of a company. Focussing on ‘value creation’ is sometimes considered ‘rocket science’ for the local management team. However, by explaining the steps of calculating ‘value’, management will quickly see what is meant by it and how they create it.
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The strength of those working in FP&A often comes when they worked in different industries or with BU’s from different countries. They learned a little bit more about the impact management can have on the numbers under different circumstances. To develop a long-range forecast, financials need to look beyond current events and steer away from business plans based on extrapolation.
Sometimes, what you forecast needs to change dramatically, due to e.g. market disruption or internal changes. You also might not monitor every business the same way, because each might be in different development stage or ´situation´. By looking at the company itself, but also possible (management) crises, you can determine what the focus of the forecast should be.
Being critical of one’s own work, is even more important for the financial doing the forecast. A forecaster will undoubtedly have his or her bias and blind spots. However, some can be avoided by looking at the forecast itself, and some by looking at person doing the forecast. The aim here is to create deeper awareness of ‘forecasting’ by presenting some structural elements.