The key to developing a best-in-class FP&A organisation is reaching level 5 maturity is getting the basics right. In addition to having the right people on your team, you'll want to ensure they understand the basics properly and have prepared the environment for growth.
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For anyone unfamiliar, a financial model is a tool used to reflect the economics of a business scenario that can be used to track, monitor, and predict a company's financial performance. Financial modelling is a critical skill for all finance professionals as it teaches them the business and the critical business cause-and-effect drivers.
Strategy execution means core competencies support a realistic strategy and that the plan can be achieved, on time, on budget, and with the intended results. In all honesty, there is no good strategy and failed execution. If an organisation is unaware of its core capabilities and limitations and moves forward anyway, the strategy is flawed.
In short, the finance business partner is an experienced, well-rounded, and dynamic professional who can step into any organization and quite quickly deliver long-term value.It is important that we identify and apply the term Finance Business Partner in the hiring process to clearly communicate and align our business needs and expectations of the candidates.