This article focuses on how to ensure that your team adopts business partnering because long-term it is not feasible to maintain quality of the work if you are trying to do it all by yourself. And quality is what makes partnering stick.
Author's Articles
Running a company, among other things, requires dealing with ambiguity. How this is done depends on the people – some are more open to embrace the challenges, while others prefer to continue with the past practices, thinking that the change is not going to last. The behavior is not exclusive to a specific industry, it is primarily to do with the management style of people leading the company.
In February 2019, the International FP&A Board held two meetings in Switzerland. The ninth Geneva FP&A Board and the eighth Zurich FP&A Board gathered more than 30 senior finance professionals each.
The eight session of Geneva FP&A Board was dedicated to building an FP&A team. Group of 34 high profile finance professionals was welcomed in the cosy premises of SPACES.