Lately, I’ve noticed a significant uptick in the number of connections I have on LinkedIn who now list Strategic Finance as their primary job description.
Author's Articles
For organisations looking to get the most out of their Driver based planning and Rolling Forecasting initiatives, it is critical to realise that these terms apply in both Strategic and Tactical planning. Yet the people, processes and technology applied to these two domains are quite unique.
If done correctly, Strategic Finance can represent an immense value-add to your organization while at the same time, reduce the costly time and effort of the Budgeting process. Make a conscious effort to consider these seven essential tips and will see the benefits.
Artificial Intelligence is going to be a highly impactful technology in the coming years. Yet, like most forms of automation, the major benefits are going to be efficiency related. The strategy is a function best suited for the human mind. Of course, technology can play a role, but the only way technology can replace human thinking is if we as humans choose to step aside… and I, for one, am betting on the humans.