Last month I attended the FP&A Board event in San Francisco focused on the latest advances in financial analytics. The event was well attended and composed of a main presentation punctuated by thoughtful audience discussions, group polls and comparisons to global statistics, a case study presentation, and small group break-away sessions.
The eight session of Geneva FP&A Board was dedicated to building an FP&A team. Group of 34 high profile finance professionals was welcomed in the cosy premises of SPACES.
The Launch of the Boston FP&A Board took place on 24 October 2017. The first discussion was traditionally devoted to the Latest Trends in FP&A.
The next step of the Australian FP&A Board led us to meet in Melbourne with about 30 FP&A practitioners attending and debating about challenges, trends and best-practices in Financial Planning and Analysis. We would like to share some of the insights from the event in short summarized form. The topic of this board was “FP&A Analytical Transformation”.
Another successful FP&A Board was held in Sydney on 21st August 2018, where more than 50 FP&A practitioners attended and discussed their challenges and trends in Financial Planning and Analysis.
What are the key success factors for implementing an effective and efficient Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) process? The Singapore FP&A Board had a very interesting debate on the subject and the conclusions from the debate are reflected in this article.