The leadership tussle between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt is entering its final throes, but whoever wins will have a series of challenges to face; convincing new EU leaders that a no-deal Brexit is real, getting Parliament to acquiesce and accept that the UK is leaving on the 31st October; avoiding a General Election; and mobilising the nation behind the exit. His most important task, however, based on the opinions of industry leaders, is “the urgent need to restore confidence” in the economy and in political decision-making.
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Why does FP&A sometimes fail to deliver value to the business? What do you need to successfully implement machine learning for forecasting in your company? How can you develop skills which are essential to career development? Read the new issue of the FP&A Trends Digest to discover the answers to these questions and more.
Machine Learning provides tremendous insight regarding market trends & business drivers. These factors include market propensity, consumer demand, economic factors, weather, & transportation costs. Many companies take these variables into consideration but provide limited or time-consuming analysis. This process limits corporate agility.
In July 2019, the International FP&A Board held the 2nd Perth meeting where 35 senior finance practitioners shared their ideas about FP&A Analytical Transformation.
Collaboration is important, as “goes without saying”: “We must collaborate to solve this problem” or “They don’t collaborate!”, about an unsuccessful team. On one hand it is obvious what collaboration means – working together, duh! However, I came across a phrase which defines collaboration clearly and to the point.
What are the key features of a successful FP&A professional? What are the roles of an FP&A team? How do you achieve team synergy? These are the topics that were discussed at the recent FP&A Board meeting in Kuala Lumpur which was sponsored by Michael Page and AFP.
This article highlights some of the common cognitive biases that the author has come across in his career and how awareness and mitigation of these could lead to our becoming better finance and FP&A business partners.
The first FP&A Board in Shanghai was held this week and more than 30 FP&A professionals attended and discussed the latest trends and common challenges in Financial Planning and Analytics.
FP&A professionals have various desirable attributes. This article looks at these attributes from a diamond perspective – cut, colour, clarity and carat – plus culture.
Tokyo FP&A Board meeting was held on the 27th June 2019, and a lot of financial professionals got together to talk about “FP&A Analytical Transformation”, the main theme of the night.