Join the Second Digital Swiss FP&A Board on December 10 at 5 pm CET to learn how to move from Traditional to Better and Beyond Budgeting.
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At this digital event, senior professionals from Citi, Motesque, Government of Ontario, SAP and Michael Page shared their insights and experience on how FP&A has been dealing with the new challenges.
Most FP&A departments are on a journey to a place where they can cope with today’s ‘new normal’. From our experience, organisations that are in the Leading state of the FP&A Analytics Maturity Model exhibit several characteristics.
This series of articles focuses on blowing up this stereotype by demonstrating how Finance in general and financial planning and analysis (FP&A) in particular can change its language, use the right part of the brain to throw light on the most important business drivers, revive figures and make them tell a story that is easy to perceive and take action on.
There are so many great stories to be told in FP&A! Due to technological advances, FP&A professionals now have access to advanced analytics, flexible dashboarding and effective data visualisation tools.
Today’s finance department is a weaved together mix of shared service centres, centres of excellence, outsourcing arrangements and the retained business partnering functions such as FP&A.
While we are all busy with the budgeting season, it is a good idea to let yourself get distracted from time to time to avoid burnouts. In this FP&A Trends digest issue, we would like to share with you several FP&A-related insights.
This article applies to all private sector firms, not just Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Private Equity (PE) firms. The technique described here can also be used to rank the profitability of five financial planning alternatives to the traditional budget.
The Second Digital Middle Eastern FP&A Board will be held online on November 25 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM GST.
Join our experienced and international panel of experts to learn how to Build Winning FP&A Teams for the "New Normal".