It can be one of the greatest intangibles in the FP&A world – how do you succeed as a business partner?
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Within any organisation you’ll find some groups of people who are the most well-known and highly valued. Given there are many functions, groups, roles & people within our organisations today how can FP&A become, and be seen to be more valued?
The biggest business issue in the UK is Brexit - and has been since the people’s vote in June 2016. But how can FP&A/finance practitioners get to grips with this massive topic?
The International FP&A Board opened a chapter in Hong Kong, China on the 30th of August. It was traditionally devoted to the subject of Latest Trends in FP&A.
The eight session of Geneva FP&A Board was dedicated to building an FP&A team. Group of 34 high profile finance professionals was welcomed in the cosy premises of SPACES.
Finance staff should find Logos the easiest dimension to work with. As opposed to sales who may use only a small part of the whole facts to support their story.
Like many of you, I have spent significant time thinking about 1) What does FP&A do and 2) What should FP&A do? My team and I landed on this very “packed” vision statement for our finance business partnering group.
Does a career purely in finance hinder your ability to be a senior finance leader? Making sideways movements such as becoming a project manager which still has a massive link back into finance, or moving to a strategy department which requires an understanding of the financial implications of company’s strategy can be beneficial.
What are the fundamental attributes of somebody in a finance manager role and what makes a good finance manager, and for that matter a good finance team?
The Singapore FP&A Board will meet on 29 November 2018 for the fifth time.