In October, the International FP&A Board had two successful meetings — one in Geneva and another one in Zurich. Both events were devoted to the interesting subject of FP&A Team Building.
It was inspiring to see senior finance practitioners engaging in discussion and sharing their ideas with each other. Zurich FP&A Board was attended by 30 senior finance professionals who represented a wide variety of organisations, including
- Baxter Healthcare
- Ebay
- Johnson & Johnson
- GE
- Thomson Reuters
- and many others.
- What is the profile of a modern FP&A professional?
- FP&A team roles. How to achieve the synergy?
- A case study from the field: Mark Hummel, Sr. Director, Corporate FP&A at Thomson Reuters, will share his experience on FP&A Team Building
- FP&A team building. Small Groups work.
- Conclusions and recommendations
Modern FP&A professionals are expected to meet many requirements. It is hard to find all the required attributes in one person. Therefore, FP&A Team Building can be a solution.
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