VP OneSource at Deutsche Bahn Regio AG
Frankfurt FP&A Board Ambassador, AI/ML FP&A Committee member
30 years of international experience in multiple top senior management roles in finance, business strategy and analytics spanning Europe, Asia and North America as an innovative leader.
For the last 8 years at DB Regio, she has been driving digitalisation to allow an extended FP&A by developing a Business Intelligence platform with the aim of a true value driver-based performance management and valuable customer-centricity.
With her passion for implementing a true digital culture, Tanja is currently successfully setting up Data Management and Business Intelligence tools supporting her organisation for faster and better decisions with Standard Reporting, Machine Learning and AI Use cases in a cloud environment. Tanja aims at a high level of transparency to better predict the effects of change in value drivers.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tanja-schlesinger-a47833234/