FP&A can be pivotal in helping educate non-financial managers and facilitating a better understanding of financial implications. The responsibility of FP&A is to provide insights into operations that ultimately do have financial implications. Similarly, operations should seek out the counsel of FP&A.
Author's Articles
The question many organisations currently have and will have in the future is: “how do we bridge from where we are today to where we want to be tomorrow?” The key lies in the integration of agile planning and Predictive Analytics.
Getting a good compensation model is a key to attracting and retaining the best talent. But how can companies design the right bonus scheme — so they motivate professionals while protecting profitability? Let's explore the issues.
Scenario Planning is a technique used in FP&A to help guide companies through considerable uncertainty, contemplating various paths of possibilities. Despite our best attempts, our forecasts will have inherent errors; actual results deviating from the figures we had anticipated hitting.